Can You Waive Child Support?
You are required to file a Child Support Guidelines Worksheet in Florida when there are minor children. The Judge is required to order the child support amount as determined by the guidelines formula and shown on the Guidelines Worksheet.
The Judge can only change (deviate) from that guidelines amount (up or down) by 5%, unless the Judge believes there is a good reason to order more or less child support than 5%. The Judge would have to explain that reason in writing, and you have to request the Judge order more or less child support by filing a Motion to Deviate.
This means you and your spouse can’t agree to waive child support if the guidelines show a child support amount to be paid. The Judge also has to agree to change the amount of child support.
The Judge can only change (deviate) from that guidelines amount (up or down) by 5%, unless the Judge believes there is a good reason to order more or less child support than 5%. The Judge would have to explain that reason in writing, and you have to request the Judge order more or less child support by filing a Motion to Deviate.
This means you and your spouse can’t agree to waive child support if the guidelines show a child support amount to be paid. The Judge also has to agree to change the amount of child support.